We always aim to give you the best service possible, but we understand that sometimes issues come up and you may have a complaint.

We will resolve your complaint as quickly as we can, and we’ll keep you informed on your complaint’s progress.

If your complaint hasn't been resolved after 30 days, or if you’re unhappy with our decision, you may want to get an external review. (Read step 3 of our process to learn about this).

Step 1 - Talk to us

The first thing to do is call us to discuss your concerns. We might be able to resolve your complaint straight away.

Email: craig.patterson@gardinsurance.com.au

Alternatively, you can request an independent internal review of your complaint. This process involves an independent internal investigation of your complaint and a response from Senior Management addressing the concerns that you have raised in the complaint.

Step 2 - Lloyds Review

If Stage 1 does not resolve the complaint to your satisfaction the complaint is automatically escalated to Lloyds.

GARD will provide Lloyds with a copy of our file including all documents we relied upon to make the decision that is the subject of your complaint.

Lloyds will conduct a review of your complaint and respond to you addressing the concerns that you have raised in the complaint.

Step 3 - External Review

If Step 2 does not resolve your complaint within 30 days, you have the right to pursue your complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)

AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free for customers.

Telephone: 1800 931 678
Email: info@afca.com.au

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001